

Dimensions (W H D): 47" x 25" x 18" / 120 x 65 x 45 cm

Volume: 260l. / 57 gal. / 69 US gal.

Aquarium type: Tropical freshwater community

Fish (not added yet):
A.30 cardinal tetra, 12 German Rams, Caridinia japonica, Otocinculus catfish.
B.50 Puntius oligoleps, 5 Crossocheilus siamensis.
C.20 Hyphessobrycon eques 5 scalari F1.
D.25 Paracheirodon axelrodi, 6 Corydoras pygmaeus 4 Caridina japonica, many Neocaridina heteropoda var. red and Caridina cf. cantonensis "Tiger", Melanoides tuberculatus, Planorbarius corneus.
E.2 Crossocheilus siamensis, 14 Hemigrammus bleheri, 4 Otocinclus affinis, 8 Paracheirodon axelrodi, 5 Symphysodon aequifasciatus, lots of Melanoides tuberculata, 12 Cardina japonica.

Planned plants with photos here.

Filtration: 2x Eheim Professional II. 2028 external filters with original filter load. Filter data (PDF): volume 8l, pump flow-rate 1050 l/h, flow-rate with load 750l/h. Total turnover rate: 8x. Power consumption 20W, clear hosing 16/22 mm, dimensions 415*210*210, suitable for tanks up to 600 l. Compare Eheim filters.

UV-C Filtration: JBL AquaCristal UV-C 36W Series II water purifier on filter return hose. On for 4 hours/day before nutrition dosing (to spare the chelates) with automatic on/off.

Heating: Hydor ETH-300 inline heater on filter return hose.

Lighting: 4 x 54 W Juwel T5 Tubes (2x "Day"-white in front and 2x "Nature" - yellow in back). 2x Juwel 1047 mm reflectors. Arcadia luminaire.(guide). On for 9 hours daily with automatic on/off.

Substrate: Dennerle FloreDepot, Black gravel

Decor: Redmoor wood, ADA Seiryu rocks.

Background: Black Paint.

Water parameters: N/A

Nutrition/maintenance: Plant Nutrition: Easy Carbo and DIY Tropica Plant Nutrition+ daily. AquaMedic Reefdoser Twin for automatic dosing.

CO2: 2kg CO2 bottle, Papillon pressure reducer, 3x Papillon check valves, 2x Aquamas in-line external reactors on filter return pipes(application sample) and ADA drop checker with Aqua Rebell KH4 solution.